Groundhog Day… New Day… Same Same

While many of us are familiar with the Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day, what is comical on screen is not so funny when we are living it. The day-after-day cycle of the same old feelings brought about in a disconnected relationship are the antithesis of hilarity, in fact, that same-old-pattern even robs us of joy from other areas of life (i.e. parenting, work, school, etc). If you are reading this and you understand what I mean, then you need to know more about EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy)” » and how it works to restore and reconnect relationships. Couple Therapy » and/or Premarital Therapy » are customized to specifically help you “dance” together again or establish a foundation that keeps Groundhog Days at bay (respectively). Albert Einstein, equated with genius, quotes: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Do you have a relationship in your life that leaves you feeling, at times, insane? Make the call and let us help you wake up to the relief of a different day.