Hold Me Tight

Hold Me Tight - Dr. Sue Johnson Hold Me Tight is an 8-session relationship study for couples, based on the book Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love, by Sue Johnson, Ph.D.

The group is limited to those who are in committed relationships. The group is not suitable for individual participation. The format is based on each person’s willingness to participate, and exploring the material together as a couple. The focus of the study is on the presentation and discussing its application amongst the group. Participants are invited to share as much or as little about their personal experience as they feel comfortable.

Each session includes presentation of theory, group discussion, DVD viewing, in-class exercises and at-home assignments of reading and practice. Participation helps couples identify and understand negative patterns that have derailed their relationship hindering closeness and intimacy. New patterns foster secure connections and empower relationships. Each group session builds on theory and material covered in previous sessions.

The investment of $560 covers eight 2.5 hour sessions (a 50% savings!), registration and handouts. A minimum of half ($280) is required to confirm reservation. A non-refundable administration fee of $30 is included in the initial deposit. No refunds are available after 10 days prior to the start date.

Please purchase and read the first three chapters before the initial meeting.

**As is true of all improvement programs, your results are in direct correlation to your participation and efforts to apply the material.